Water Sample Collection

Periodic water testing provides crucial information in safeguarding the health of our fisheries, our communities, and our environment. However, many lake, river, and coastline areas still go untested.

We offer a solution for water sample collection. Autonomous teams of Spiri Mu carry Spiri Water Samplers to pre-planned locations. Aerial sampling alleviates access issues that limit the current extent of water testing. Our use of smart drones improves the precision, repeatability, reach, and frequency, for a water testing program.

Our solution aims to improve ecological and economic outcomes related to water resources. It is compatible with other Spiri environmental programs.

Locations for water sample collection are chosen based on previous analysis, as well as emerging commercial and public safety needs. The Spiri Mu flock self-organizes on site to efficiently conduct the mission, without a need for human piloting.

Our solution provides centimetre precision for both depth and lateral position. Sample depth and location are adjustable by the mission planner either in advance or on scene. These adjustments automatically flow through the flock.

Compared to current practice, our solution retrieves samples more quickly, more safely, and at a lower cost. It can also serve areas that are remote or have been previously difficult to access.

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If you are interested in this product, please do not hesitate to contact us.