Nearshore Naval Force Protection

Nearshore situational awareness is challenging due to coastal topology, as well as the likely proximity of small vessels and structures.

An autonomous, adaptive flock of Spiri Mu, with ship and/or land-based helipads, scouts the area. It observes nearby vessels and structures and alerts personnel to potential threats. Cooperative flock missions require minimal human involvement and logically allocate the work within the flock.

Networked Integration
The Spiri Helipad mounts on- or into any vessel. This provides a networked launch and retrieval capability that can extend across multiple Spiri Mu and multiple launch assets.

Adaptive Reconnaissance
Upon launch, each Spiri Mu joins the flock in a loosely defined mission. They evolve on the fly to provide the best coverage. The flock adapts to circumstances and requires no further human direction.

Holistic Intelligence
This solution magnifies situational awareness around the ship. Where available, it also links securely to a holistic intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance network.

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