Land Vehicle Based Autonomous Drones

Gain the advantage by integrating Spiri’s autonomous drones and helipads into modern land vehicles. Surveil for hazards, obstacles, and threats. Reveal emergent opportunities. Connect intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance assets. Spiri Mu does the work without requiring human personnel to act as pilots. This integration is available for myriad vehicles and assets.

Networked Launch Capability
The Spiri Helipad is mounted on- or into a vehicle. This provides a networked launch and retrieval capability that extends across multiple Spiri Mu and multiple launch assets.

Adaptive Autonomous Missions
Upon launch, each Spiri Mu joins a flock in a pre-programmed mission. The flocks adapt to circumstances and require no further human direction.

Secure Self Coordination
Spiri flocks self-organize towards the mission objective, unconstrained by fixed flight plans. They communicate securely to cooperate, and to link into a holistic intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance network.

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