Airport & Aerodrome Protection

Airport & Aerodrome Protection (AAP) supports the autonomous, continuous inspection of facilities, launch surfaces, and runways, as well as the vulnerable approaches to airports and aerodromes.

The service comprises a flock of Spiri Mu and other devices cooperatively scanning and reporting potential hazards to on-site personnel. They are networked with facility cameras and sensors and carry a variety of their own. This allows for the fusion of data from different kinds of sensors with different specializations and enhances the detection, characterization, localization, and tracking of threats.

Continuous, Autonomous Coverage
The reconnaissance pattern autonomously adjusts to provide intelligent coverage. This is enhanced by networking in existing or new camera systems and sensors. Minimal human effort is required.

Actionable Information
The AI is tuned to alert human personnel to potential hazards without an overload of false alarms. This focuses human attention where and when it is needed.

Safety & Security
Intelligent visibility with contextual command and control, both on and around the facility, supports a comprehensive site protection system.

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